Diversity Matters at 十大彩票平台

Diversity Matters Logo十大彩票平台很自豪能成为一个包容和多样化的访问机构. 我们的独特之处在于我们既是一所西班牙裔服务机构(HSI),也是一所技术社区学院.

我们致力于我们的机构的核心价值诚信, respect, 和以学生为中心的方法,以及培育促进真理的环境, creating an inclusive environment for all, 并提供多样化的教育体验,促进个人和职业发展.

Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI)

十大彩票平台 is honored to be designated a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI). To be eligible, 西班牙裔全日制学生的比例必须达到或超过25%. At the time of our designation (2015), 十大彩票平台是该州仅有的三所被命名为西班牙裔服务机构的学院之一.

Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA)

The Office of Multicultural Affairs 十大彩票平台技术社区学院(OMA)致力于满足来自弱势学生群体的所有学生的需求. 多元文化事务部提供的教育节目包括:

  • Student and community engagement
  • Cultural activities
  • Academic support and retention of students

多元文化事务支持学院致力于在校园建立多元化和包容性的氛围,同时创造一个既安全又欢迎所有学生成功的环境. 多元文化事务办公室提供的项目包括:

For more information, please fill out our Diversity Matters form to subscribe to email updates.

Student Resources

Student Clubs and Organizations

十大彩票平台 is home to dozens of exciting student clubs and organizations, including:

  • Black & Hispanic Women’s Association
  • Black Student Association
  • Christian Fellowship Club
  • G.L.B.T. Alliance
  • International Club
  • LLAVE Club (Hispanic Association)
  • Muslim Student Association
  • Veterans Club

Female Initiative for Leadership and Education (LEAD)

The LEAD program 旨在为女学生提供在教育中发挥主导作用的机会. 提供更多社区/公民参与的机会,并协助建立强大的网络. Along with promoting self-awareness, self-love, and confidence, 学生参与者将与专业人士联系,这些专业人士将在他们的教育生涯中担任导师. The mentoring model will consist of both 1.1 and group mentoring sessions.

Male Initiative for Leadership and Education (MILE)

The MILE program is designed to provide inclusive academic support, mentoring, 为十大彩票平台的黑人和拉丁裔男学生提供社区参与机会.

Employee Resources

Anti-Racism and Inclusion Alliance

The Anti-racism and Inclusion Alliance 旨在建立我们作为“人民学院”的身份,以及马萨诸塞州唯一的职业和技术社区学院领导者, 努力加强我们对种族平等的承诺, cultural experiences within our community and institution.

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

Employee Resource Groups 将拥有相同身份的员工聚集在一起,为未被充分代表的员工创造归属感和社区感. 十大彩票平台 is home to the Black Professionals Group, Hispanic Association in Higher Education (HAHE), and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning (LGBTQIA+) Group.

Office of Disability Services

The Office of Disability Services (ODS) strives to foster partnerships with faculty, staff, and students, promote disability awareness throughout the campus community, 并就与残疾人权利和特权有关的大学政策和程序提供指导.

Heritage Celebrations


寻求将文化遗产月纳入课程的教师可以通过 Inclusivity in Instruction webpage.

Religious Holidays

十大彩票平台承认并庆祝我们校园和更大社区丰富的宗教多样性. 为了我们社区和那些协调活动的教育利益, 我们正在制作一份宗教节日的清单,并推荐住宿.

Library Guide on Systemic Racism and Injustice

The Library's Systemic Racism and Injustice Guide 包括可以通过图书馆访问的资源,如电子书, books, films, videos, articles, 数据和统计数据以及如何积极参与当地社会正义活动家团体和公民行动的信息.

A Commitment Against Hatred

In moments of adversity and crisis, 有必要重申我们的反种族主义价值观,反对仇恨. 为了更深入地理解我们的制度价值观和我们反对仇恨的立场, please see the following statements.

Local History

The "Our Plural History" website 是对十大彩票平台地区历史上多元主义思想的考察. The website focuses on first peoples, slavery, and immigration, and in the Connecticut River Valley of western Massachusetts.